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The latest Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) was jointly conducted from 1st September to 30th November 2018 by the Paris, Tokyo, India and Black Sea MoU, focusing on compliance with the MARPOL Annex VI. Namely, during these three months, the PSC Authorities checked eleven items as mentioned in the CIC questionnaire in order to ensure whether vessels follow all provisions of MARPOL Annex VI and the prevention of air pollution.

Key Results

During the period from Sep 2018 to Nov 2018, a total of 13,220 inspections conducted as follows:

  • Tokyo MoU: 6,604 Inspections
  • Paris MoU: 4,311 Inspections
  • India MoU: 1,007 Inspections
  • Black Sea: 1,298 Inspections

Given that only 13 vessels were detained during the CIC period for non-compliance with related regulations, the status of MARPOL Annex VI performance is considered to be very good. Namely, the following detentions were recorded:

  • Tokyo MoU – 4 detentions
  • Paris MoU – 8 detentions
  • Indian MoU- 1 detention

The most common deficiencies were related to Bunkering Delivery Notes, Sulfur content compliance, Ozone depleting Substances and Incinerator Use.

The main categories of detainable deficiencies were:

The most challenging areas regarding MARPOL Annex VI, are considered to be the ECA compliance (Fuel change over and sulfur content), combined with Bunkering procedure and especially the Bunkering Delivery Note compliance.

How to avoid such deficiencies

#1 Focus on procedures

Clear procedures should be provided through SMS or other onboard document covering the following sections;

  1. When and how to conduct the changeover procedure
  2. Preparations and actions prior-during and post bunkering
  3. Use of incinerator and limitations
  4. Written instructions for record keeping (Logs,Checklists etc)

#2 Focus on documentation

All required documentation should be available and especially:

  1. Ozone Depleting Substances Log
  2. Change over log
  3. Bunkering Plan (approved by Company)
  4. Technical files for all related equipment
  5. Maintenance and test records
  6. Calibration tests and results

#3 Focus on Training

All the above should be supported by an adequate training and familiarization program which should be periodically reviewed for effectiveness. Company’s superintendents should provide such training in every opportunity, in order to enhance crew competence regarding MARPOL Annex VI requirements.